Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Blogger held over Insulting Posting

                              Blogs (Source:

The article 'Blogger held over insulting posting' that written by Jassmine Shadiqe is reporting about a blogger named Aduka Taruna was arrested by the local police due to purposely posting insulting blog post in his blog. His post is about the death of the late Johor sultan with plenty of insulting words that cause his blog visitors feel uncomfortable. He received up to thousands of comments that complaining about his action. Furthermore he was being warned by the other people and somebody made a police report to against him.

Everything is Too Late
After he realized that his blog post could bring him into troubles, he decided to delete the blog post and made a public apology about what he did in his blog. His action was obviously against the principle of Malaysia laws and 1Malaysia but also humiliate the image of the country. The blogger at last decided to become low profile and hide in Kota Baru to avoid more troubles come to him. In my opinion, I agree that the blogger's action is unintelligent and unnecessary. Publicize the personal opinion which contains insulting meaning to certain people or issue should not be practice by everyone especially on internet. Internet is a highly reachable communication tools and everybody should clear about that.

Back to the case of Wee Meng Chee
3 years ago, a creative singer known as Wee Meng Chee, had did the similar thing before and he was also being warned by Malaysia government. His song 'Negarakuku' had been suspected that contained the insulting comment about races and government. I personally think that no people should publicize own comments on something which is sensitive. Insulting people is considered as an unwise action and people should clear about the consequences of it. Instead of in public, people can discuss about certain sensitive issues privately to prevent facing the troubles which could make someone regret in his entire life.

                          Namewee (Source:

According to (2007), Wee Meng Chee was being investigated by police due to announcing the music video which suspected as giving bad comments about race and religion issues in Malaysia. He was nearly being expelled by the country because of ruining country image (2007).

Not only in Malaysia
In the other cases, an Iranian blogger had been arrested due to insulting his country's leader and jailed for nearly 6 weeks (Naughton 2009). Two cases above show that people should not publicize their own bad comment and think wisely before doing something unintelligent or else will get into the serious troubles. 

                           The Iranian Blogger (Source:


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