Monday, April 19, 2010

Classification of Blogs

Blog is a broad range of medium that often used by online community to discuss certain topics and it is very effective and efficient among the community. Blog can classify into many kinds of subject matter and each subject matter talking about different topic with each other. According to the chart of Technorati (2009), there are many kinds of topics in weblog for example celebrity, gaming, finance, parenting, sports, economics, green issues etc and different kinds of bloggers have their own favorite topics.

From the chart above, hobbyist bloggers will be more interest in talking about their personal musings. Business topic is more common written or view by self-employed bloggers. Part-timers will pay more attention on health topic and finance is the favorite topic by corporate blogger and so on.

Nowadays, there is various type of blog in the internet and different types of blog have its unique way to deliver the message to the viewer. Device type blog for example Moblog is a form of blogging that bloggers use their mobile device to post their blog entries anytime anywhere. Media type blog like vlog, linklog, sketchlog, tumblelogs, splog can deliver the messages in audio, video, pictures and sketches which is more efficient and attractive than word-based blog entries.

Sample pictures of Vlog:

Simons (2008) indicates that people should not simply post any their personal lives, their family pictures and anything personal on blog because there are alternative ways to do so and many companies used blog as a medium to promote their product and it cause blog is not like a blog anymore. I personally do not agree Simons's perspective because people is allowed to freely create their own blog to do anything they want and the function of blog is not restricted by anyone.

Reference List

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