Monday, April 19, 2010

Blogging Communities

Blog is getting more popular among the community, and thus blogging community formed due to the up rise of blogging. Blogging community is take shape by a group of bloggers who share the same ideas or interest and they often interact with each other who involving in a discussion. They consider as a very active online community and they can bring a big influence on certain issues like political issue. Nikkis (2008) indicates that to be a successful and high reputation blogger, blogging community is the main factor and this is not showing off.

According to NikkiS (2008), there are seven important steps to create a blogging community effectively. Firstly, blogger must often read other blogger's blog to look for inspiration and to figure out what is your interest. Next is always comments on others blog so that people will get to know who you are. Third step is to reply people's comment so that they will not feel being ignored and fourth step is to list the blog in directories. Moreover, blogger must often add new entries so that viewer will keep attention on the blog. Sixth step is to decorate the blog so that it will look more interesting and attractive. The last step is to promote or to market the blog to make the blog being more popularity.

White (2006) mentioned that blogging community is classifying into three categories, which is:


One blog centric community is about reader not only get to know the blogger but also the community who comments blogger's post. The power of this community was sternly controlled by central blogger.

In topic centric community, blogger will only concentrate on posting the entries based on a particular party or issues. Position is not important to them and communities can find more interests that are specific.

Boundaried community is a space where people can enjoy not only the blog but also discussion board, social networking, instant messenger, search engine and many other features. Owner can set and impose rules on the community.

Samples of Topic centric community:




The blog above is about introducing good food and travel guide in Malaysia. This blog consider as topic centric community because the topic is fixed and the community around this blog is mostly discuss about the food and travel guide but no others. Blogging community can share their common interest and ideas in this blog but only restricted to food and travel guide topic.


Reference List:

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