Monday, April 19, 2010

Good Design for Screen Genre

A well-designed document always gets more points compare to the bad designed document. Most of the time reader prefer read a good design document because they can catch the messages or information of the document easily and effectively. In Reep (2006) article entitled "Chapter 6: Document design", she indicates that every document designers must design their document based on the four design principle, which is balance, proportion, sequence and consistency in order to produce a good document.


Slide 1:

Balance principle was applied in the slide above because of the visual "weight" concept. As we can see that author trying to apply a lot of color in this slide to "heavier" the "weight" of the main point. Reep (2006) said that color could catch reader's attention before the black and white. That is why the main point in this slide was colored by purple, yellow, sky blue and pink red.


Slide 2:


Author refers to another principle in the slide above, which is proportion. Proportion is about the arrangement of the size and placement of the contents in a document. Author emphasize the title "Ideal and Real" by enlarge the font size so that reader can get to know what is the slide about.


Slide 3:


The slide above clearly shows the texts without being overlap by the background color because author considered the usability of color. White texts and dark background can produce a high contrast. Author trying to avoid using too much color on the slide to prevent confusing and distracting reader.

Document designers must carefully design their document because nobody likes to read a bad designed document. Principle of design must always take consider in it so that reader can always enjoy reading a good document without being confused.




Reference List

  • Reep, Diana C. 2006, ‘Chapter 6: Document design,’ in Technical writing, 6th ed., Pearson Edu, Inc., New York.

New forms of Media Publishing

Online-based media publishing is getting more popular nowadays because of its efficiency and convenient. These new forms of media are commonly used by everyone to deliver the information and people should not avoid using it. The speed of delivering information to the communities by using online-based media publisher is even faster than satellite television. One of the various kinds of new form media publishing is Youtube. According to (2010), Youtube is a portal that people can share their video to everyone online. Viewer just have to sign up a Youtube account for free and then they can upload the videos, leaving comments and to view offensive videos.

Few days ago, the president of Polish was dead in plane crash in Western Russia with his wife. Few hours later, Russia Today immediately upload the video that reporting about the dead of Polish president. So far, there is around 800,299 people view this video since the accident happened. Not only that, hundreds of comments about that video happened too. It means that the information had passed to over 800,000 Youtube communities in no more than 10 days.




Besides that, people can watch many kinds of video in Youtube except pornography. The power of Youtube is much more powerful than people thought. Commentors in Youtube community act as a very important role because their comments could affect the one who involved in the video as well as the author.

Old form of media publishing is still important, but people cannot ignore the trend of new form media publishing. New form media publishing can bring a great impact to the public. Media people must use this form of media publishing wisely so that it can bring benefits to the community.




Reference List

Blogging Communities

Blog is getting more popular among the community, and thus blogging community formed due to the up rise of blogging. Blogging community is take shape by a group of bloggers who share the same ideas or interest and they often interact with each other who involving in a discussion. They consider as a very active online community and they can bring a big influence on certain issues like political issue. Nikkis (2008) indicates that to be a successful and high reputation blogger, blogging community is the main factor and this is not showing off.

According to NikkiS (2008), there are seven important steps to create a blogging community effectively. Firstly, blogger must often read other blogger's blog to look for inspiration and to figure out what is your interest. Next is always comments on others blog so that people will get to know who you are. Third step is to reply people's comment so that they will not feel being ignored and fourth step is to list the blog in directories. Moreover, blogger must often add new entries so that viewer will keep attention on the blog. Sixth step is to decorate the blog so that it will look more interesting and attractive. The last step is to promote or to market the blog to make the blog being more popularity.

White (2006) mentioned that blogging community is classifying into three categories, which is:


One blog centric community is about reader not only get to know the blogger but also the community who comments blogger's post. The power of this community was sternly controlled by central blogger.

In topic centric community, blogger will only concentrate on posting the entries based on a particular party or issues. Position is not important to them and communities can find more interests that are specific.

Boundaried community is a space where people can enjoy not only the blog but also discussion board, social networking, instant messenger, search engine and many other features. Owner can set and impose rules on the community.

Samples of Topic centric community:




The blog above is about introducing good food and travel guide in Malaysia. This blog consider as topic centric community because the topic is fixed and the community around this blog is mostly discuss about the food and travel guide but no others. Blogging community can share their common interest and ideas in this blog but only restricted to food and travel guide topic.


Reference List:

Classification of Blogs

Blog is a broad range of medium that often used by online community to discuss certain topics and it is very effective and efficient among the community. Blog can classify into many kinds of subject matter and each subject matter talking about different topic with each other. According to the chart of Technorati (2009), there are many kinds of topics in weblog for example celebrity, gaming, finance, parenting, sports, economics, green issues etc and different kinds of bloggers have their own favorite topics.

From the chart above, hobbyist bloggers will be more interest in talking about their personal musings. Business topic is more common written or view by self-employed bloggers. Part-timers will pay more attention on health topic and finance is the favorite topic by corporate blogger and so on.

Nowadays, there is various type of blog in the internet and different types of blog have its unique way to deliver the message to the viewer. Device type blog for example Moblog is a form of blogging that bloggers use their mobile device to post their blog entries anytime anywhere. Media type blog like vlog, linklog, sketchlog, tumblelogs, splog can deliver the messages in audio, video, pictures and sketches which is more efficient and attractive than word-based blog entries.

Sample pictures of Vlog:

Simons (2008) indicates that people should not simply post any their personal lives, their family pictures and anything personal on blog because there are alternative ways to do so and many companies used blog as a medium to promote their product and it cause blog is not like a blog anymore. I personally do not agree Simons's perspective because people is allowed to freely create their own blog to do anything they want and the function of blog is not restricted by anyone.

Reference List

Blogging Phenomenon & Benefits

Blog is a kind of medium that used by online communities to share or to publicize their ideas, opinions, thoughts, minds, articles etc. Most of the blog is base on journal style and it is quite easy to get started. "A blog is a personal online journal that is frequently updated and intended for general public consumption." (TechTarget, 2009). Blogger can upload his journal every day. At the same time, he also can post some pictures, music or videos to make his blog looks more attractive to boost his popularity. According to Technorati (2009), people who create their blog as a hobby occupied 72% of 2,828 bloggers, 15% as part-timers, 4% as corporate and 9% as self-employeds. There are many talent bloggers in Malaysia so weblog is also popular in Malaysia.

United State of America does have the greatest number of blogger in their country. The pie chart below indicates that US occupied 48% of the worldwide number of blogger:


There are many benefits of prevalent blogs to the Malaysia community. People can shop without going out because blog shop is popular in this country. Besides that, blogger can voice out their dissatisfactions, complains, or spread the awareness through weblog because weblog is a highly reachable medium in our country. Political and country issues are often discuss in blog by leaving comments in the blog post.


Reference List

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Purpose of my blog

The purpose of my blog is to discuss about the matters and cases that related to the area of the publication and design. The target audiences of this blog will be my friends around me especially my course mates and lecturers. In this blog, I will magnified the influence of internet media (eg. blogging, online newspaper) to the field of communication and media so that people will understand the importance of it to our society. Audiences are free to comment every single blog post.